Free children's printable puzzle pages - crosswords about cars, familes, sea life, pirates, the earth and more
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Puzzle Pages

Dinosaurs, deep sea animals and more...

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Crossword Answers

Snowy Crossword

Across: 2 frost, 3 hail, 6 blizzard, 8 age, 9 skis, 11 owl, 12 Arctic, 13 melt, 14 ice

Down: 1 polar, 3 hibernate, 4 icicle, 5 glacier, 7 zero, 9 sleet, 10 sledge, 12 Alp

The Pirate's Parrot crossword

Across: 2 row, 3 whale, 4 anchor, 5 cutlass, 6 robbers, 9 palm tree, 12 ho, 14 deep

Down: 1 treasure, 7 bird, 8 ship, 10 mast, 11 room, 13 far

Transport Crossword

Across: 3 tractor, 5 helicopter, 9 car, 11 formula one, 13 year, 14 limit, 15 belt, 16 gas, 17 train, 18 Rolls

Down: 1 stop, 2 Ford, 4 cornering, 6 lorry, 7 oil, 8 two, 10 rubber, 11 fuel, 12 diesel

Humdrum Hippo's crossword

Across: 1 pig, 5 savannah, 7 wildebeest, 8 ape, 9 hippopotamus

Down: 2 giraffe, 3 rhino, 4 zebra, 6 lemur, 9 hyena, 10 pride, 11 trunk, 12 snake

Earthshaker crossword

Across: 1 gem, 3 erupt, 5 salt, 7 lava, 8 fossil, 11 pebble, 12 quake, 13 no, 14 saurus

Down: 2 metal, 4 planets, 6 rock, 9 iron, 10 sun

Granny Small crossword

Across: 1 teenage, 5 aunt, 7 grandmother, 9 child, 10 cot, 11 post, 13 nephew, 14 next door, 15 friend

Down: 1 tea, 2 name, 3 gate, 4 brother, 6 uncle, 7 garden, 8 sleep, 11 pet, 12 two, 13 niece

Bad Frog! crossword

Across: 4 terrapin, 6 dog, 7 cat, 9 goat, 11 poodle, 12 hamster, 15 reptile, 18 kitten, 19 egg, 20 tank

Down: 1 vet, 2 lizards, 3 mouse, 4 tail, 5 Angora, 8 two, 10 adult, 11 parrot, 12 hutch, 13 mane, 14 tongue, 16 pony, 17 lamb

Sharkbiter / deep sea crossword

Across: 3 Indian, 4 seabed, 6 walrus, 7 starfish, 10 Atlantic, 12 porpoise

Down: 1 tide, 2 sand, 4 seal, 5 blue whale, 8 Pacific, 9 stingray, 11 current, 12 penguin, 13 rollers, 14 octopus, 15 squid

Alien Ahoy! crossword

Across: 4 Mars, 6 black hole, 7 asteroid, 9 comet, 10 Neptune, 11 Uranus, 13 star, 14 rocket, 15 satellite

Down: 1 hot, 2 Mercury, 3 planets, 4 moons, 5 Saturn, 8 dark, 12 air

Save the Unicorn crossword

Across: 5 cauldron, 7 clue, 8 pea, 9 ogre, 12 unicorn, 13 quest, 14 clever, 15 black cat, 16 spy

Down: 1 scales, 2 mule, 3 horse, 4 palace, 6 dragon, 8 princess, 10 forest, 11 spell

Dragon crossword

Across: 2 wings, 5 fish, 7 hoard, 9 Jason, 10 sea, 12 George, 13 gold, 14 myth

Down: 1 lizard, 3 China, 4 Wales, 6 Smaug, 8 insect, 11 egg

Dragon word hop: hand hang sang sing wing; foot soot slot slat slap clap claw

Earthwyrm crossword

Across: 2 wheelbarrow, 4 blossom, 7 shears, 9 tomato, 12 hedge, 13 rose, 14 leaf

Down: 1 worms, 3 lily, 5 spade, 6 pea, 8 petals, 10 mower, 11 turf, 12 hoe

Earthwyrm Word Hop: root room roam road load lead leaf

Iron Beans crossword

Across: 2 bread, 3 wall, 5 teeth, 7 grind, 8 bears, 10 wolf

Down: 1 bed, 2 blow, 4 apple, 6 hood, 7 goose, 9 straw, 11 fum

All puzzle pages on this site are devised by Emma Laybourn. You may print as many copies as you like, as long as you don't sell them. Have fun!

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